
Health Benefits of Pasture Raised Chicken

Before our farming journey began, we were like many Australians trying to survive with 2 young children in the “burbs” of Byford, Western Australia.

Trying to raise 2 babies on a single, apprentice wage and pay a mortgage meant many meals consisting mainly of pasta, caged eggs, home brand milk, tinned tuna and meat from the discount aisle.

We were completely ignorant of the food purchases we were making and of the negative impact this was having on our health, on animal welfare and on Aussie farmlands.

It’s because of this humble beginning that Sam and I are so passionate about producing the best foods for West Aussie families and making it as accessible and as transparent as possible. We often tell our customers, “Buy less but buy the best of what you can afford”.


By Steph

Health Benefits of Pasture Raised Chicken
Rosa's Ridge

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